Audrey Hepburn once said, "The most important thing is to enjoy your life- to be happy- its all that matters." Obviously in our somewhat rational sense of thinking, we are all aware that we are given responsibilities and that sometimes, our own happiness is not even half as important as the happiness of the ones we love. I tend to be a giving person; so much that I sometimes lose sight of what I want or forget to love and take care of myself- mostly emotionally. Its good to give, isn't it? I always thought that service, being a good person, and kindness to others was far more important than my own happiness.
Wrong! I know for a fact that all of these things are essential to shape our lives and make us good people, but I know I cant do any of these things without being happy. How on earth can one be kind or selflessly serve another when they are angry or not happy with themselves or the life they are leading? The answer is they can't. Yes, they can serve and be kind, but its not the selfless love and giving that we are taught as young kids and all throughout our lives. This principle was stressed quite often for me in church and young women's. Despite your religious beliefs, this is true. If you are not happy, how can you serve others and better yet, how can you love another?
Since I have moved away for school, I get feelings of loneliness, sadness, longing for the future, and other negative feelings. I have cried more times than I can count out of frustration, stress, and missing loved ones back home. I've felt alone and small in the vastness of our world. I've felt scared, inadequate, and even undeserving. From the sounds of all this negative energy, you would think I was really unhappy with me life, right? Sometimes I think, "why am I even here? I should have gone to school closer to home." or "why me?" I do not feel happy in these overwhelming moments, but I do know how to find happiness. If I want to feel happy, I think of everything I am grateful for. (which is so much) So now in the spirit of thanksgiving, I will tell you ten things I am grateful for, in no particular order.
1. My completely wonderful and amazing boyfriend. (its not all cheesy, promise) It is the best and most satisfying feeling to know that you have someone who loves you and will be there for you no matter what, and also that you will do the same for them. Its simply lovely to be in love, but even more so when its your best friend.
2. My freaking crazy family! I know, maybe crazy isn't a nice word to use, but I mean it in the nicest way possible. I love their goofiness and humor. I love how I know I can go home anytime or turn to them for anything and they will be more than happy to help.
3. Education. Ok, I hate homework. Really, I hate it a lot, but I LOVE learning! I love expanding my mind and being able to open my heart and mind to new ideas and ways of thinking.
4. Books!!! Self-explanatory.
5. Writing. I write to better understand myself, to find joy, and to be better. Its the best therapy for me.
6. My body. We've had a rough road, and I haven't always been nice to it, but I am grateful for the body that I have. Because of it, I have learned the importance of exercise and good nutrition.
7. Boots. Superficial, yes, but I really am quite grateful for boots. I love them mostly because of how stinkin cute they are. And also, they keep your feet warm and dry.
8. Disneyland. No explanation needed.
9. Service. How amazing is it that we can work as instruments of God to help others while bettering ourselves? If you want to feel inspired or fulfilled, I recommend you do some service.
10. Pretty flowers, only because they are lovely and remind me to take in the small, simple things in life.
Sometimes remembering what we are grateful for is all we need to boost our attitudes and to be happy. Every one of us is loved and blessed more than we will ever know. Remember that, and you will be happy. Be an Audrey. Be grateful.
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